Be careful what you wish for. For years civil rights campaigners have worked to promote a racism free future, and now it is starting to happen. But that means a racism free future for all. If you think racism is a chance for you to empower yourself while slinging lazy generalisations at white people that they dance or cook poorly (in your opinion), well you are out of luck.
I am a true non-racist. I believe that no person should be judged based on the colour of their skin, and that no judgement shall be passed on any group of people based on the colour of their skin. And there is wisdom in my thinking. Let’s take this cooking point. You say “white people” are not able to cook well — because the colour of their skin rules them out from the skill of cooking? How do you explain Gordon Ramsey, Gary Rhodes, Delia Smith, or Heston Blumenthal? You can pick at least five outstanding chefs from every single ethnic group on this planet if you so choose. The colour of people’s skin has nothing to do with their dance ability, their singing ability, their ability to appreciate music or other cultures, or their ability to cook. It has nothing to do with their ability to exchange ideas, to learn skills or to take on careers.
There are true non racists, and there are agitated young people who have missed the point; who think this is South Africa and the wave of woke-ness spreading around the world is a chance to kick anyone who is not of colour.
But guess what. Martin Luther King dreamed of his children being able to play with white children with both of them being equal. He did not dream that one day his child of colour would get revenge on the white Children by kicking sand in their faces.
Adjust your attitude.