Because the man chose to partner up with a woman. This means a woman in the genetic sense. Not a man who has had surgeries to remove genitalia and put imitation female genitalia in place. They want to partner up with a real, genuine woman. And that’s the thing. You cannot democratise dating. People will always be free to have full discrimination in choosing who they want to sleep with. They have to, or else there are like a thousand women I wanted to sleep with who didn’t return my interest, and what am I to do – start protesting that they discriminated against me by not sleeping with me? Nobody should treat anyone differently because they are trans I.e. they should not act in a hostile or unkind way. Nobody should act differently in matters such as employment or where trans people can go or what they can do. But it’s hands off for the dating world. We all retain the right to be as discriminatory as we want when we choose our partners. And a lot of guys are not into sleeping with trans women. They want a generic woman. Someone they can start a family with. Someone truly born a woman and with all the woman features they know about, and a hundred more they know nothing about but might discover later like the g spot, the z spot etc. I hope all trans people out there find the partner for them. But most men are not going to be interested. Sorry. A bit like me hitting on women. What do I do when most women don’t want to sleep with me? Nothing – it’s their right. I move on and find someone who is interested.