If you hate men I feel sorry for you. But you are victim blaming. Then men who come into a strip club don’t set the rules. They didn’t say, charge these women a fee to work there. The men who come into a strip club first and foremost had to work all day long in a job they often don’t like to earn what little money they have. That is their money. Honestly they don’t owe that money to anyone. They come to a club because it looks fun. They had to pay just to come in the club – it is fair that they should feel they have a right to look at the entertainment the club has provided. The club already charged them a fee. And the drinks are hugely overpriced. So the men are getting exploited too. Everything they do even from entering the club is siphoning off their money. They didn’t come to the club with a vendetta for the dancers. They’re not there to make you feel small. They’re not cheap because they don’t pay for expensive private dances. Maybe they are struggling just to keep up with the cost of the drinks. It’s pretty clear the club is exploiting both the patrons and the girls, so be mad at them. Don’t hate guys just because they are on the other side of the experience. They pay to get I. The club, have a few drinks and then feel depressed the next morning when they realise just how much this sub par experience actually cost them.