People like you are the reason the KKK survive. You are a racist bigot and you are ignorant. It was ‘white people’ like Abraham Lincoln who worked to end slavery. It was a white man, Lyndon B Johnson who worked with Martin Luther King to bring in the civil rights act. And I’m that, Martin Luther King’s I have a dream speech was a vision that in the future white and black children could sit together with the colour of their skin not even being a consideration. Now you want to exclude whites from a national day based purely on the colour of their skin. What is the difference between you and a white supremacist? Nothing. Delete this post. I’m going to war with you as I do all racists. I’m going to contact Medium and get you kicked out of here. I will not tolerate anyone discriminating against anyone on the basis of the colour of their skin. You need to re think your life, preferably today.